October 2022 Newsletter
Bản Tiếng Việt ở đây. Happy Halloween to you! Welcome to Milky Way Afternoon Brew, my monthly newsletter to my beloved clients. This month is the time of the year when the kids are eager to go trick-or-treating for candies, and some adults are also eager to get their homes spookily decorated. The point of this holiday is to remember and give thanks to those who died . In our modern day, we are less likely to be worried about ghosts rising from graves on Halloween. We dress up like characters we like; we may have Halloween parties; we can sneakily enjoy the candies the kids got from trick-or-treating. All of these are just a way to celebrate life. Do you want to get everything in your life organized before you leave so that your beloved ones have time to grieve? You may think I will talk about estate planning (as I usually remind my friends and my clients to do so). But with some people, talking about estate planning is similar to talking about death. They feel it is a...