September 2022 Newsletter
Bạn có thể đọc tiếng Việt tại đây. "If you know that you will die tomorrow, what will you do?" There was a time when my friend asked me that question. I was struck. 'Tomorrow I will die,' I suddenly felt panic. 24 hours is a short time. A river of thoughts flew into my mind at that time. I had my kids. I hadn't met my parents for a long time. What would I do? I would spend my last 24 hours with my family and tell them I loved them. Then I was worried. What would my kids do without me cooking, driving them to schools and places, doing laundry, or guiding them to be kind people? Someone said I was so paranoid. God will have his plan for us, we just need to follow his guide. But I wanted to follow with good preparation. We don't know when our life will end. Death can come your way the next hour you step out of your home, or tomorrow, or maybe next year, or in several decades. We don't know when, but we know it will happen. We don't want to die. Early a...