May 2023 Newsletter
Bạn có thể đọc bài viết bằng tiếng Việt ở đây. Hi all, A friend asked me a question a few months ago about what she should do with the $30,000 in her savings account. Another friend also asked me where she should put her hard-earned money away? I answered the questions via text messages and felt proud that I was the trusting person whom my friend can turn into. Now I put my answers into a blog post, which needs more reference resources. So, as normal, my blog post is still long, but it may help explain why you should follow the advice but sometimes you don't. A lot of Americans have known about Maslow's pyramid since high school. My friend in Vietnam, who specializes in Psychology knows about it, but I didn't know about it until learning about finance. Simplified hierarchy of needs - Maslow from Wikipedia We work. Everyone works. Since the primitive era, human has worked for food, water, and shelter for rest and warmth. Then we want to find a stable place to stay and bui...